English to Chichewa Meaning of natter - natter

Natter :

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Definitions of natter in English
Verb(1) talk socially without exchanging too much information
Examples of natter in English
(1) It was a great comfort to my mother - they had a grand natter over a cup of tea.(2) We also had a natter about psychology and the Mediterranean diet.(3) I could do with a drink and a natter(4) She said: ÔÇÿI'll miss having a natter with the teachers but I won't miss having to get up at half-past six!ÔÇÖ(5) I felt very, very alive, and so desperate to speak with an intelligent, creative woman that I rang a friend back home for a good natter .(6) Each lunchtime he would go to Mario's, his local caff in Kentish Town, for a natter with the locals.(7) Now for something completely different for those of you who are getting weary of the political natter .(8) It's a shame we didn't have time for a natter when we'd done, but my next guest was waiting and we had to move on.(9) It's the kind of place you could meet your mates on a Saturday lunchtime for a natter and nachos, or have an early tea after work, as we did.(10) He used to go to Beckhill Working Men's Club and have a natter with Donald because he knew what nights he went there.(11) Had quite a nice lunch and a natter with Owen; he seems to be enjoying life in Britain.(12) I stayed at home with my mum, and we had a good natter .(13) Noel made sure that he popped into his grandparents for an enjoyable natter .(14) Many of them are elderly and have nowhere to go and have a natter .(15) Coming to bingo is the only chance I get to relax, chill out and have a bit of a natter with my friends or family.(16) So you send email, you ring your friends, and you have a natter round the coffee machine.
(1) nativity scene ::
kubadwa kwa Yesu powonekera
1. jaw ::
2. shoot the breeze ::
kuwombera mphepo
3. confabulate ::
4. gossip ::
5. chitchat ::
6. chit-chat ::
a chit-macheza
7. chew the fat ::
kutafuna mafuta
8. claver ::
9. chatter ::
10. visit ::
11. confab ::
12. chat ::
13. chaffer ::
Different Forms
natter, nattered, nattering, natters
English to Chichewa Dictionary: natter

Meaning and definitions of natter, translation in Chichewa language for natter with similar and opposite words. Also find spoken pronunciation of natter in Chichewa and in English language.

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